Have a wonderful weekend lovelies. If you happen to find yourself with some free time on your hands, why don't you curl up with a cup of tea (earl grey is my favorite) and check out some of these useful and inspiring links.
I adore that editorial! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment. Perhaps I will post about my shopping spree, but I have so many questions/emails to answer that it might take a while! =]
I adore that editorial! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment. Perhaps I will post about my shopping spree, but I have so many questions/emails to answer that it might take a while! =]
La C.
those photos are amazing!
Haha, thanks for those links! I know I'm going to find these pretty nifty this week.
great pics. black and white photos will always be classic.
gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing I had never seen these before
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